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Many people have lost hope in the future they used to dream about when they were younger. They don’t have the time or the resources and dreaming only produces disappointment. ITS 24:7 is an award winning team composed of leaders around the world that all have the common goals of freedom - freedom from debt, freedom from lack, freedom from regret and to design and live a life they desire. Learn how we provide you with the free tools, training and support to succeed at home around the important things in your life.
Stay At Home “Debt Free” Mom - Renae L.
When I first heard the name of this company, I was not interested. I thought I knew all about it - what they stood for and what their intent was. I learned of this company while on maternity leave after having my second daughter, Somer. I was a teacher and enjoyed my time off with my girls. Brooke was 2 1/2 years old, and I dreaded the thought of taking them back to daycare and being away from them. We had a great daycare, but I missed all the firsts and the little things with Brooke and had always dreamed of being a stay-at-home Mom.
Successful Vice President to Successful entrepreneur MOM.
At the age of 27, everything was going to plan, or so I thought. I had worked my way to the top of a male-dominated corporate ladder with hard work and determination, a Vice President of operations position, married, and just bought our first home. As often happens in a perfectly great place we were ready for more. I remember from my earliest memory my goal was to be a MOM and an involved great MOM. So beginning our family is exactly what we did. I thought I had it all worked out: hire a great nanny, home to care for baby work, the dream job I had worked so hard for. Traveling to numerous states and being away for long hours only lasted a few months. I found myself where many are successful and discontent (not happy) - Successfully discontent.
Walking away from a six-figure income would change our financial situation and future dramatically, and was the best decision I have ever made. There was nothing more important in life than being home raising my child and creating a home of happiness. I knew however, there was only so long before finances became a problem so I began a search to work from home and add an additional income.
Well, I tried it all and lost more money than I made, but learned a lot about what I wanted, and what I wasn’t looking for. Others had to be like me. I just knew with all my heart there was a way to be proud of what I was doing, make a difference and impact in the world and on people and create financial security and freedom. I had HOPE. I learned about a simple decision that would save me money. I considered that money back in my pocket and a no-brainer, but when I learned that by educating and helping others I could add an income with my baby literally on my hip from home I was on fire. What made it easy was belief, I could believe in the company and their amazing credentials and leadership, I could believe in the difference they made in people's lives and in our world, I could believe in the impact they made on families.
By a process of helping others, I was successful in replacing my corporate income in the first year and also bringing my husband home full time to be a stay-at-home dad in that same year as well. Repeat income is what has made the most powerful impact on our lives. The work we have done and the income we built has continued to grow and is stronger than in any other industry. Peace of mind. For over 20 years the income I have built has allowed us to pay off debt, secure our futures, give back and help in the community, put children through college debt-free and we have had the joy of witnessing this happen for 1,000’s on our teams.
Now as a widow and single mom I am so incredibly thankful for the decision I made years ago, today I am able to be home, work and be purposeful and have financial security. I fell in love with the fact that I could work at home and not be a salesperson, I could determine my own value and worth financially, I controlled my schedule, worked around my family and this was more about pouring into others than a selfish driven sales job.
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The Rat Race
'm sure you've heard of the term rat race. If you look it up, I feel like it would say, "See also, my family." That is until God answered my prayer. I had just been talking to the Lord and asking Him to send me something that I can do to help my family get our head above water again. We had significant credit card debt, medical debt, and tax debt, and it was getting harder and harder to pay for those everyday surprises like vehicle and house maintenance.
It seemed like there was never anything left at the end of the month and we just had no way of getting ahead. That's when my prayer was answered. God sent me someone who showed me how to dream again. He sent me someone who helped me see that I have a chance not only to make a difference in my family's life but the lives of others as well! I will be debt free! We will be able to travel and do the things we love to do! And I will be a blessing to others along the way!
Referred by: Linda Potter
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