“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Oh My Soul

“It is difficult when we don’t feel we have control, however the hardest thing for most people to control is their mind, will, and emotions. From worry to anxiety to grief, it is difficult to navigate through the myriad of emotions we face. Join us on a journey of wellness as we learn to eliminate fear and surrender our emotions winning the battle of the mind.”

Good Grief?

Good Grief? Is that an oxymoron? Not necessarily. Keep reading.

Grief is the natural reaction to loss. It is a personal experience that is also a shared experience by many. Individual experiences of grief vary and are influenced by the nature of the loss. Some examples of loss include the death of a loved one, the ending of an important relationship, job loss, loss through theft, or the loss of independence through disability. Each person's experience will be unique to them.

Every person is different: their relationships are different, their circumstances are different, their support is different, they have different beliefs, different lifestyles, different health concerns and on and on. Understanding that the grief process is just that - it is a process, a journey. This journey does not have a specific timeline, or specific road map, and doesn’t have a specific tool kit, however, the journey should always have a specific end destination = to heal.

Grief Defined

By Webster’s definition: Healing is the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. Grief is filled with many emotions and feelings - learning to control our mind, will and emotions allows us to embrace this process, understand it, and seek help and support where it is needed.

A theory developed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that we go through five distinct stages of grief after the loss of a loved one: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. Although these stages put different feelings and experiences into categories, grief is not put into specific boxes. In fact, it is messy, fluid, stagnant, heartbreaking, breathe stealing, heart-stopping, exhilarating, awakening, and yes even joyful and full of blessings. Understanding the different stages gives us the ability to understand what is happening and embrace the emotions that come with it. For example, understanding that anger is a stage of grief, we prepare for the anger and are able to identify it when it occurs and we are then able to manage it better. Being prepared erases the surprise and helps with the feeling that there is something wrong with you.

ITS-24:7 Approach

When grief strikes, (unfortunately it will,) we often don’t have a warning or foresight of it. Knowing you're not alone can change the entire experience. “How can I be surrounded by people every day, all day and feel completely alone”. The best way to see how ITS-24:7 approaches grief is to read someone’s story of how they changed a terrible grieving situation into “Good Grief”. Click here to read Linda’s story

ITS-24:7’s approach to grief or any other emotional condition will always have a spiritual connection and solution attached to it. If you’d like to receive more information in the future in the form of newsletters, Facebook pages, podcasts or vlogs simply click on the “More Information” button below. We’d love to get to know you better and help you experience the victory of peace and joy in your life!

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  • February 10th, 2025
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    Emotional Disorders - Anxiety, Depression, & More

    Controlling our Emotions

    Another word for emotions is feelings. We all have them. I grew up being taught, “feelings aren’t right or wrong; they just are,” however this isn’t entirely true. God wants us to be in control and master our emotions rather than our emotions controlling us. If we learn to recognize negative emotions such as anger, sorrow, anxiety, or fear to name a few, we can learn how to limit and change them into Godly emotions like love, peace, joy, and contentment. Emotions are feelings on the inside designed to move you in a certain direction and if that direction is away from God and His will for your life, then they are wrong. If we learn how to control our emotions, we can limit and avoid the crippling effects of anxiety, depression, outbursts, physical ailments, and constant imbalance in our lives.


    Anxiety is one of the fastest-growing emotional conditions in America today. It is no respecter of persons and can affect the elderly just as easily as an elementary child. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 1 in 5 people have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. And 1 in 3 will experience it at some point in their life. Those numbers only count those who have been officially diagnosed, which means the actual numbers are considerably higher.


    The first and most important objective for anyone who suffers from any emotional condition is to realize that you can overcome it. To accomplish this, you must understand the root cause and then learn how to counteract it.

    Let me be frank, right from the start. You are not about to hear how to “manage” your anxiety psychologically or with medication. You can Google that and find countless websites for that solution. You might not like what I’m about to say, and that’s okay. Anxiety and depression are spiritual conditions. Period. If you’re only interested in management instead of an overcoming victory, I give you permission to click out now. This information will not help you cope but rather give you hope! if you want to experience the peace that passes all understanding, 24:7, I encourage you to keep reading.

    How did I get here?

    I will give you the skeleton of a formula showing exactly how anxiety happens and precisely how to reverse it. I use the word skeleton because there is a lot more information needed to fill in the rest of the solution, such as muscles and tendons, but you will fall apart anyway without the bones!

    How did I get here? How did I get to the point of depression or anxiety? What causes my anxiety? What triggers it? Many will gives answers like crowds, stress, memories, or any of life’s troubles. It might be a specific day of the week, or you might not even know. Yet I continue to ask, "How did I get here?" Or perhaps you are asking, “Why do I worry senselessly about everything? Why do I fall so quickly into a state of loneliness, hopelessness, or depression? Why do I fly off the handle and get angry so easily, or why can’t I control my frequent mood swings?” These are all questions that precede, “How did I get here?” I’m about to show you!

    The Symptomatic Formula

    Let’s start with the end in mind. “How did I get here,” is referring to your current condition or destination. We will call your destination “Anxiety.” (Or you can rename this location as depression, constant worry, mood swings, temper, inferiority complex, or any other emotion you prefer) but you don't have to stay here. Now I will show you how you got here. The details will be different for each person, but I think you’ll get the point. We will rewind to the beginning, and you can fill in your own details and experiences.

    1. What you EXPOSE yourself to the most determines what you THINK.
    2. What you think about determines how you FEEL.
    3. What you feel determines your DECISIONS.
    4. Your decisions will determine your ACTIONS.
    5. Your actions will determine your HABITS.
    6. Your habits you create will determine your CHARACTER.
    7. Your character will determine your DESTINATION.

    So you are where you are and now it’s time to change! If you want to change your destination you must change your character. To change your character you must look at your habits which are a result of your actions based on your decisions. And your decisions all started with a feeling. Your feelings were created by your thoughts. And that thought came from what you were exposing yourself to!

    Now you have the formula, but I realize I haven’t give you the tools to experience your victory. That is yet to come! Hopefully you can see that there is hope no matter your circumstances. You will soon hear how you can overcome and take control of your emotions 24:7! As you continue through “ITS 24:7”, you will not only experience peace and joy in your emotional wellness, but you will learn about your physical wellness, financial wellness, and spiritual wellness too!

    We encourage you to take our JOY Indicator Quiz. This is a fun multiple choice questionnaire that will give you an indication of how much joy you have in the different areas of your life. When you insert more JOY, it is difficult to experience negative feelings!

    If you’d like more information on controlling your emotions, click here. We have a wealth of informative topics on how to take any negative experience you encounter and turn it into a victory. You can overcome anxiety! You can turn your depression or grief back into joy! . We’d love to get to know you better and help you walk in joy and peace 24:7! Fill out the following information and someone will reach out to you soon!

    ITS-24:7’s approach to anxiety or any other emotional condition will always have a spiritual connection and solution attached to it. If you’d like to receive more information in the future in the form of newsletters, Facebook pages, podcasts or vlogs simply click on the “More Information” button below. We’d love to get to know you better and help you experience the victory of peace and joy in your life!